Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday Tip Guide

1. Keep a motivational picture with you AT ALL TIMES- Whether its on your phone, in your pocket, it doesnt matter, as long as you can pull it out when your feeling weak and want to give in!

2. Prep ahead of time- If you do your weekly meal prep, there is NO reason for excuses that you do not have healthy food around or you have to go for fast food because you were in a rush and didn't have time to cook something!

3. Bring a Healthy Dish- Instead of making those cheesy potatoes, dish with heavy cream sauces, or dessert loaded with sugar, take the healthy alternative.... Cauliflower potatoes, Homemade Guacamole Dip, Roasted Asparagus and Ham Wrap! 

4. Water water water- Take water wherever you go! I always pack extra and keep it in my car just in case!!

5. Limit your alcohol intake- I know sometimes people like to get a little crazy on the holidays, but if you have a goal, you gotta stick to it!! Portion control EVEN your liquid intake! For me, if Im drinking alcohol, I go with Vodka and water with a lemon! Less calories, less bloating, Keeps you more on track!

6. Have an accountability partner- Share your goals with a family or friend and ask them to hold you accountable.  The more accountability, the better off you are!

7. Do not go to a party or gathering hungry- If you fill yourself up with dense nutrients before hand, you are more likely not to binge on food when you are there.  One thing I do is have my health shake SHAKEOLOGY so I am full and not craving anything.  

8.  Get your workout in early- If you do your workout first thing in the morning, you are not only going to have a ton of energy for the day, but you are setting yourself up for success and you will feel a sense of accomplishment early in the day! You will have NO EXCUSES about not having time to get in your workout if you do it right when you wake up before you do anything else!

9. STAY POSITIVE- The more positive talk you can do for yourself, the more successful you will be! Talk to yourself out loud... I know it may sound silly, but if you tell yourself "I WILL DO THIS".... "I WILL CONQUER THE DAY"... you will make it happen! You do what you tell yourself you will! PS. I start this right when I wake up! :)

10. Portion Control- I know I've said it, but I need to say it again... Portion control is very important! Even if you are eating whatever food is at your gathering, if you eat portions, you will not fall back as far as you would if you put everything in your mouth you saw! If you give yourself a little taste of what that temptation is, remember the second bite is always the best and after that, its not needed!!

This holiday season is about staying healthy and enjoying the people around you! Food is not comfort, family and friends are! 

The average person gains approximately 5-10 pounds over the holidays... 
DO NOT let yourself fall into that percentage! This doe NOT have to be you!

**If you want accountability and motivation to continue your journey of health over the holidays, contact me to for a spot in my next fitness challenge group/support group! 

This is your chance to have daily 1:1 coaching and support, nutrition and fitness tips, recipes, and more to reach your goals! 

Your journey is all what you make it!  The only way you fail is if you give up! YOU ARE NOT A QUITTER!! Stay positive, stay strong!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Think Like a Boss

  1. Get an early start.  This extra time will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness and other unnecessary headaches.  In addition, most markets and businesses open by 9 A.M.  Whether you work from home or commute to an office, the more time you’ve had to digest the day’s news and obstacles ahead, the greater advantage you’ll have over your competition.
  2. Review your Focus list.  What is your number one goal right now?  What’s most important to you?  What makes you happy?  Design your time around these things.  Remember, time is your greatest limited resource, because no matter how hard you try you can’t work 25/8.
  3. Review your TO-DON’T list.  A ‘TO-DON’T list’ is a list of things not to do.  It might seem amusing, but it’s an incredibly useful tool for keepingtrack of unproductive habits, like checking Facebook and Twitter, randomly browsing news websites, etc.  Create one and post it up in your workspace where you can see it.
  4. Exercise.  Other than the obvious health benefits, movement increases brain function and decreases stress levels.  Developing a consistent habit of exercising is a discipline which will carry over into your business day – Apple CEO, Tim Cook, is in the gym by 5 A.M. every morning.  If you can, go outside for a walk, or jump on the treadmill and start out slow.  This will jump-start your metabolism and your day. (JUST PUSH PLAY)
  5. Eat a healthy breakfast.  Your brain and body speed are a function of what you intake.  Bagels, muffins and sugars have the tendency to slow you down.  Fruits, proteins and grains help provide a consistent stream of energy without the sudden drop-off.   Try a mixture of orange, apple and lemon juice with a spinach omelet one morning and let me know how much better you feel. (DRINK SHAKEOLOGY!!)
  6. Kiss your partner goodbye.  It sounds cheesy, but most truly successful people have a great home life.  Acknowledging your partner (and kids) mentally relaxes you, allowing you to focus on the day ahead.  Don’t lose sight of the fact that you’re striving to be successful so they may benefit as well.
  7. Practice 15 minutes of positive visualization.  In his program Get the Edge, Tony Robbins explains the importance of gratitude visualization first thing every morning.  In a nutshell, spend roughly 15 minutes thinking of everything you’re grateful for: in yourself, among your family and friends, in your career, and the like.  After that, visualize everything you want in your life as if you had it today.  The effect?  Elevated certainty in everything you do, and always being in peak state.  Despite how ‘new age’ it sounds, it’s had incredible effects on associating success into my every-day life.
  8. Put first things first.  Successful people recognize that not all hours are created equal, and they strategically account for this when planning their day.  For most of us, our minds operate at peak performance in the morning hours when we’re well rested.  So obviously it would be foolish to use this time for a trivial task like reading emails.  These peak performance hours should be 100% dedicated to working on the tasks that bring you closer to your goals.
  9. Eat that frog.  Brian Tracy’s classic time-management book Eat That Frog gets its title from a Mark Twain quote that says, if you eat a live frog first thing in the morning, you’ve got it behind you for the rest of the day, and nothing else will be more difficult.  In others words, get the tough stuff done first.
  10. Connect with the right people.  Relationships are the basis of business – communication is the basis of relationships.  Successful people associate with people who are likeminded, focused, and supportive.  These people create energy when they enter the room, versus those who create energy when they leave.  Connecting with these positive people in the morning can set you up for a positive day.
  11. Stay informed.  Whether you prefer National Public Radio or the Wall Street Journal, spend a few minutes each morning learning about what is going on in the world.  Not only will it educate you, it may change your perspective or inspire your actions for the day.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Feel Slimmer by Bedtime

Losing weight isn’t about committing to one healthy choice—the journey is made up of lots lifestyle decisions that you make every single day at any given time. Seriously, every hour is an opportunity to do something that can bring you closer to your goal! So here’s your around-the-clock guide to feeling slimmer by bedtime.
6 a.m.
Wake up, and drink a big glass of water. It’ll fill you up and get things moving to prevent belly bloat. Eat a small snack that offers quick carbohydrates and a little protein, such as half a banana and a few almonds—eating first thing jump-starts your metabolism.
And if you have time, exercise! Morning exercisers tend to work out longer and more intensely than those who sweat it out during other times of the day. Plus, it’ll keep the fire lit under your metabolism, so you burn more calories all day long.
7 a.m.
Do some stretches in the shower. You should also eat a filling breakfast that includes protein and fiber—at least 10 grams of each. Don’t be afraid to fill up on healthy carbs because enjoying them early ensures you’ll have time to burn them off later.
8 a.m.
Make your lunch for later, which should include low-fat protein, fiber, fresh veggies, whole grains, and fruit for dessert. Might we suggest these lunch-packing tips for a weight-loss friendly meal?
9 a.m.
Fill up a cup or water bottle once you arrive at work, and sip on it throughout the morning. Staying hydrated will prevent hunger pangs.
10 a.m.
Take a break from work to snack on some satisfying fiber. Just be sure to keep it under 150 calories, like with these snacks.
11 a.m.
Take a few minutes to fill in your food and fitness journal, writing down what you’ve eaten and how much you’ve exercised. It’ll give you an idea of how many calories you’re allowed the rest of the day, and seeing your stats from the previous weeks will motivate you to stay on the healthy path.
12 p.m.
Get moving by going for a walk with a co-worker, bike riding to run an errand, or grabbing that set of dumbbells under your desk (if readily available) and doing these strength-training moves. Any chance to move is better than sitting still.
1 p.m.
Remember that lunch you packed? Start chowing down! Enjoy it with the best calorie-free beverage: water.
2 p.m.
If you can, take that afternoon meeting for a walk around your block. Whether you’re on the phone or meeting in person, walking and talking can help you think more clearly while burning some calories. The same benefits apply if you ask a co-worker to step outside for some fresh air.
3 p.m.
Have a 150-calorie snack to keep energy levels going till dinner. This could include a little something sweet like these 150-calorie desserts since a small indulgence can prevent overeating later.
4 p.m.
Sip some green tea. The caffeine will give you a little pep, and green tea has been shown to suppress your appetite and increase your metabolism.
5 p.m.
Depending on the weather and the distance from your office to your place, try to walk or bike home from work if you can. Not only will it burn some calories, but it can also relieve work stress, which can trigger overeating.
6 p.m.
Make a low-cal dinner filled with veggies, low-fat protein, and whole grains—these vegetarian options under 300 calories are great choices. After dinner is made, put away leftovers before sitting down to nosh to prevent going back for unnecessary seconds.
7 p.m.
Brush your teeth while doing this two-minute butt and leg workout. It’ll tone your tush, and that minty breath will prevent mindless late-night snacking.
8 p.m.
If you like to relax in front of the TV, do these strength-training moves during commercial breaks.
9 p.m.
Get your workout gear ready for tomorrow morning. Slip into your pajamas, and do these yoga poses to encourage sleepiness.

10 p.m.
Snuggle into bed on your way to dreamland. Getting enough sleep is proven to help with weight loss.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Planning Essentials

Planning your meals and snacks is KEY to staying on track!  Below you will find:

1. My sample 1-Week meal plan

2. A Sample of my Meal Plan Template so you can create your own!

3. A full 2 week sample meal plan INCLUDING RECIPES!

2 Week Sample Meal Plan with Recipes

*Eat 5-6 small meals per day, spaced out 2.5 - 3 hours apart
*1 of these daily meals or snacks should be replaced with Shakeology
*Your last meal should be at least 2 hours before bed
*Remember to drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water daily


Breakfast: ½ cup dry oats cooked with 1 cup water, 1 tbsp ground flaxseed and ¼ cup blueberries. 
4 egg whites scrambled or hard boiled and 1 egg yolk.- you can always buy the egg whites in a carton. 
1 cup black coffee or clear green tea 
1 liter water with lemon-drink warm before you eat anything else in the am! It is a natural detox and helps you body shed weight and toxins. 

Mid Morning Snack: ½ cup nonfat plain yogurt with ½ cup strawberries or blueberries, or one orange sliced and peeled, 1 tbsp sliced almonds and water (Greek Yogurt- make sure you get the plain with no fruit, too much added sugar). 

Lunch: Whole-grain pasta with chopped fresh tomatoes grilled chicken and water 

Mid afternoon snack: Sliced cucumbers and carrots, 2 tbsp hummus (Costco sells low fat roasted red pepper hummus) and water. 

Dinner: Roasted turkey breast, steamed broccoli, brown rice and water 
(If you need it) Snack: Scrambled egg whites with sliced tomatoes, water or caffeine free herbal tea. 

Breakfast: 1 Ezekiel English muffin (can be found in Giant Eagle in the freezer section, this bread has no preservatives and has to be kept frozen) spread with cottage cheese and topped with spinach, tomato and scrambled egg whites, water and coffee or tea. 
Snack: 1 apple with 2 tbsp almond butter 
Lunch: Whole-grain wrap spread with Dijon mustard or hummus and topped with Spinach, alfalfa sprouts and leftover roasted turkey and water. 
Snack: ½ cup Nonfat cottage cheese with blueberries or other berry and water 
Dinner: Balsamic Chicken, sweet potato fries and green beans 

Balsamic Chicken: 
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp pepper 
1 package button mushrooms (washed patted dry and sliced) 
3 tsp minced bottled garlic 
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 
3/4 cup low sodium chicken broth 1 bay leaf 
1/4 tsp dried thyme 
Cooking spray 

Preparation: Season chicken with salt and pepper. Spray non-stick skillet with cooking spray and heat to medium high. Add the chicken and saute until brown on one side. Add garlic and flip over chicken breasts and add mushrooms. Continue cooking while stirring mushrooms. Cook for about 3 minutes then add vinegar, broth, bay leaf, and thyme. Cover and simmer over medium low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove chicken, set aside and keep warm. Continue simmering sauce, uncovered for about 7 minutes. Discard bay leaf and pour mixture over chicken and serve. Make extra and use for your salad or lunch the next day, tastes yummy after it has been sitting in that juice all night! 

Sweet potato fries
Prep: cut up sweet potato into slices and put a small amount of EVOO on cooking sheet and stir to coat. Add oregano and back until crispy. 350 degrees. *I also like taco seasoning instead of oregano. 

Snack: Post-workout protein shake: 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 8 oz water and fresh or frozen fruit (peaches, pineapple, strawberries and blueberries).

Breakfast: “Take me on vacation Oatmeal”, black coffee & lemon water. 

1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats (not instant) 
1/2 cup oat bran 
1/8 tsp sea salt 
1 cup unsweetened almond milk 
1/4 cup protein powder (optional) 
1 ripe mango or peaches peeled and pitted, diced
1 tsp roasted golden flaxseed 
2 tbsp chopped cashews 
1 tbsp unsweetened flaked coconut 

Preparation: Combine oats, oat bran and salt with 2 1/4 cups water in a small saucepan over medium high heat until simmering. Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring until mixture thickens and water is absorbed, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit two minutes. (I just microwave my oatmeal, works the same) Divide cereal equally between 2 bowls. Whisk together almond milk and protein powder, and pour over cereal. Top with mango, flaxseed, cashews and coconut. This was delicious! I could eat it all day long! I also use peaches instead of mango sometimes. 

Snack: 2 unsalted brown rice cakes with 2 tbsp all natural peanut butter and a handful of raisins. 

Lunch: Whole grain Wrap with leftover balsamic chicken, low fat hummus, lettuce, tomato, feta cheese and piece of fruit. 

Snack: Sliced cucumbers and carrots, hummus and water 

Dinner: Salmon with teriyaki sauce, brown rice and zucchini 
I stumbled upon this Teriyaki Marinade when I was looking for a clean eating alternative to commercial marinades. This is super delicious! I use it on salmon, but I'm sure you could use it on other things as well! 

1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce 
1 1/2 tsp maple syrup 
2 tsp finely chopped garlic 
2 tsp lemon juice 
1/2 tsp sesame oil 
1/4 tsp sea salt 

Preparation:  Combine all ingredients and place meat or fish in shallow baking dish and marinate for 20 minutes in refrigerator.  Turn a few times to distribute the marinade evenly. 

Snack: Protein Shake- ¾ cup instant oatmeal, nuked in water, ¾ cup fat free milk, ¾ cup frozen berries, 2 tsp whey powder, 3 ice cubes crushed, add honey for sweetness and blend! 

Breakfast: : ½ cup dry oats cooked with 1 cup water, 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, and ¼ cup blueberries. 
4 egg whites scrambled or hard boiled and 1 egg yolk. 
1 cup black coffee or clear green tea 
1 liter water with lemon 

Snack: ½ cup nonfat plain yogurt with ½ cup strawberries and 1 tbsp sliced almonds and water (Greek Yogurt) 

Lunch: 4 oz plain Grilled chicken salad with lots of veggies with 1 tbsp EVOO and 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 

Snack: 1 banana with 1 tbsp almond butter 

Dinner: Sunset Chicken

3 to 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 
1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes 
1 tbsp chili powder 
1 (15.5) oz can pinto or black beans 
1 1/4 cups frozen corn 
1/4 cup sliced green onions 
1 small can diced chile's 
Salt and pepper to taste 
Possible garnishes: Cheddar cheese, avocado, lime, cilantro, salsa, sour cream. 

Combine chicken, tomatoes and chili powder in large pan. Cook over medium high heat for 30 minutes or until juices run clear from chicken. Add beans, corn and chile's. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer for 5 to 7 minutes. Garnish with green onions and serve with whole grain brown rice. 

Breakfast: Apple Muesli-1/2cup quick oats, 1 cup almond milk, ¼ apple grated, dash of cinnamon and dash of maple syrup. Mix together and enjoy it cold! I love this recipe! 

Snack: 1 banana and ½ cup Greek yogurt and lemon water 

Lunch: Leftover sunset chicken on a wrap with a glass of water

Snack: Sliced cucumbers and carrots, hummus and water

Dinner: Slow cooker Chicken Cassoulet with whole grain pasta 

1x 15 oz can navy beans, pinto beans or black-eyed peas, rinsed and well drained. 
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts or turkey breast. 
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper. 
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 
1-2/3 cups low-sodium chicken stock 
1 medium onion. 
4 celery stalks, trimmed and chopped. 
4 garlic cloves passed through a garlic press 
1/4 cup sundried tomatoes, not packed in oil. 
3 large carrots, peeled and cut into chunks. 
1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped fine
1 tsp thyme 
2 tbsp fresh minced parsley 

1. Spread half of the beans in the bottom of your slow cooker pot. 
2. Season poultry with pepper and sea salt. Heat olive oil over medium high heat in a skillet. Brown the poultry on both sides in the skillet for about 5 minutes each side. Place the browned chicken on top of the beans in a slow cooker. Top with remaining beans and the chicken stock. Use water if you don't have chicken stock. 
3.Saute the onions, celery, garlic, sundried tomatoes, carrots, and herbs using the same skillet. Spread this mixture over the ingredients in the crock pot. Cover and put on slow heat for several hours.  *Tip: Serve with Ezekiel bread and a clean spread. 

Snack: Protein Shake- 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, cupped handful of fruit, 1 cup water, ice, and 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed and blend! 

Breakfast: Veggie Frita

Preparation:  4 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Cut up any veggies you would like such as mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, and sauté in evoo, add egg and let the mixture set. Then place in an oven at 300 degrees for 10-15 minutes. You can place salsa on top for extra flavor. Have 1 slice Ezekiel break or English muffin no butter. This is also good cold, you can save this for a snack or meal later. 

Snack: A handful of raisins & an apple

Lunch: Leftover slow cooker Chicken Cassoulet. 

Snack: ½ cup Greek yogurt, 1 orange cut up into segments, 1 tsp raw honey, 1 tbsp almonds, mix together.

Dinner: Chicken Fajita Burrito.   I added black beans, frozen corn and brown rice for the rest of my family so they can have more options. You can give them cheese also. You just have to bypass the cheese. Watch your portion sizes. 

18 ounces chicken, cut into small chunks 
1/4 packet fajita seasoning mix 
1/2 red bell pepper 
2 cloves garlic
Several slices of white onion (you decide how much) 
2 whole-wheat tortillas 
Guacamole: 1 avocado, 1/2 medium tomato chopped, chopped red onion, a few shakes of sea salt. 

Sprinkle chicken with salt and some fajita mix and cook in skillet. In a separate skillet, saute garlic, bell peppers, onion and mushrooms (use a small amount of olive oil if necessary). Meanwhile, prepare guacamole (mix all ingredients above). When vegetables are fully cooked, mix a small amount of fajita mix with 1/4 cup water and pour over vegetables. Increase heat and boil off the water. Heat tortillas on a clean skillet over medium-high heat for 15 seconds per side. Add ingredients on top of the tortilla and attempt to form a burrito and enjoy! 

Snack: cucumbers and other veggies with 1-2 tbsp hummus, water and green tea. 

Breakfast: Loaded oats (nice b/c it already incorporates your protein so you don’t have to make or eat additional eggs). 

Snack: Protein Shake 

Lunch: Eat Clean Burrito 

Snack: ½ cup Greek yogurt and berries, water/green tea. 

Dinner: Chicken Cacciatore 

1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 2-inch pieces 
Sea salt, to taste 
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 
Paprika, to taste 
1/2 cup white whole wheat flour, for dredging 
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 
1 large red bell pepper, chopped 
1 onion, chopped 
8 ounces baby Portobello mushrooms, sliced 
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 
3/4 cup dry red wine

1 (28-ounce) can crushed tomatoes, with juice 
1 (14.5 ounce can) petite diced tomatoes (such as Muir Glen Fire Roasted with Roasted Garlic), with juice 
1 cup mushrooms (optional) 
3/4 cup organic free-range chicken broth (such as Pacific Natural Foods) 
2 teaspoons garlic powder 
Crushed red pepper, to taste 
1 teaspoon dried oregano 
1/2 cup coarsely chopped parsley 

1. Sprinkle the chicken pieces with 1 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Liberally sprinkle the chicken with paprika. Dredge the chicken pieces in the flour to coat lightly. In a large heavy sauté pan (preferably cast-iron), heat 2 tablespoons oil over a medium-high flame. Add the chicken pieces to the pan and sauté until just brown, about 5 minutes per side (note: if all the chicken does not fit in the pan, sauté it in two batches.) Transfer the chicken to a plate and set aside. 

2. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the same “dirty” pan used to cook the chicken. Add the bell pepper, onion, and garlic; saute over medium heat until the onion is tender, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the mushrooms and cook 3-4 minutes. Add the wine and simmer until reduced by half, about 3 minutes. 

3. Add the crushed tomatoes and diced tomatoes, broth, garlic powder, crushed red peppers, and oregano. Return the chicken pieces to the pan and turn them to coat in the sauce. Bring the sauce to a simmer. Continue simmering over medium-low heat until the chicken is just cooked through, about 30 minutes.. Sprinkle chicken with parsley and serve. 




Breakfast:  ½ cup dry oats cooked with 1 cup water, 1 tbsp ground flaxseed, wheat germ, bee pollen and ¼ cup blueberries. 4 egg whites scrambled (or hard boiled and 1 egg yolk), 1 cup black coffee or clear green tea, 1 liter water with lemon

Snack: ½ cup low fat plain yogurt into a blender with frozen fruit, skim milk, flaxseed. If you make extra you can take it to work for a mini meal later! 

Lunch: Leftover chicken cacciatore, water and piece of fruit. 

Snack: Veggies and hummus 

Dinner: Chicken with quinoa stir fry (serves 4)

1 lb Boneless chicken breasts, cubed
4 Tbsp Olive oil, divided
1 cup Uncooked quinoa, well rinsed
2 cups Low sodium vegetable stock
6 Small zucchini
4 Similarly sized carrots, trimmed and peeled
1 Red bell pepper, seeded and deveined, cut into long strips
5 Scallions, trimmed, cut lengthwise into fours
1 Fresh lime, juice and zest, divided
3 Tbsp Roasted sesame seed oil
½ Tsp Ground ginger
2 Tbsp Low sodium tamari sauce (or soy sauce)

1. With a vegetable peeler, peel strips of green zucchini skin. Don’t use white center part of zucchini. (You can use this later for a soup, stew, or to roast!)
2. Peel strips from the carrots until you have reached the core. Don’t use the core. (Again, use it later!)
3. Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil in skillet. Stir-fry red pepper, scallions, zucchini, and carrots.
4. While vegetables are cooking, heat 2 Tbsp olive oil in a separate skillet and cook chicken until almost fully cooked.
5. Add chicken to vegetable stir fry and turn down heat to slow cooking.
6. Rinse quinoa grains well – this removes the bitter coating, so it’s essential to do this before cooking.
7. Place rinsed grains in saucepan, Add 2 cups vegetable stock. Bring to a boil and reduce. Let simmer, covered, until all liquid has been absorbed.
8. Once all veggies and chicken have been stir fried, season with lime juice, sesame seeds, sesame oil, ground ginger, and tamari in skillet.
9. Serve with stir fry hot over quinoa and garnish with zest.

Breakfast: Berry Smoothie


¼ cup 100% orange juice

¾ cup water

1 scoop Whey Protein Powder, Vanilla Flavor

1 tsp. finely chopped orange peel

1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1 cup ice


1. Place orange juice, water, Protein Powder, orange peel, blueberries, and ice in blender. Cover; blend until smooth.

2. Pour smoothie into serving glass; garnish with mint if desired.

Snack:  1 cup of Trail Mix

Lunch: Grilled Chicken wrap, piece of fruit and water

Snack: ½ cup cottage cheese with blueberries and water/green tea.

Dinner: Clean Chicken, Potato, and Veggie bake 

Cooking Spray 
2 Skinless Chicken Breasts, chopped into 2-inch cubes 
1 lb Red Potatoes, chopped into 2-inch cubes 
1/2 bunch asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces (OR Red & Green Peppers, OR Vegetables of your choice) 
1/3 c fresh basil, chopped 4 garlic gloves, thinly sliced 
1.5 tsbp Olive Oil 
1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary 
Ground Pepper to Taste 
1/2 cup Chicken Broth if desired 

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and spray a baking dish with cooking spray. Add chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables, basil, garlic, chicken broth, and olive oil. Sprinkle with rosemary. Add pepper if desired. Bake for approx. 45 minutes, turning occasionally, until tender. Serve. 

Breakfast: Fresh fruit salad


2 medium apples, cored, chopped

½ cup green grapes

1 cup halved strawberries

½ cup cubed pineapple
¾ cup low-fat plain yogurt
1 tsp. raw honey
¼ cup chopped raw walnuts

1. Combine apples, grapes, strawberries, and pineapple in a large bowl; mix well. Divide evenly into four serving bowls. Set aside.
2. Combine yogurt and honey in a small bowl; mix well.
3. Top fruit salad evenly with yogurt mixture; sprinkle with walnuts.

Snack:  Non-fat Greek yogurt w/ pure honey & blueberries

Lunch: Grilled chicken salad (w/ Balsamic & EVOO)

Snack:  Celery sticks with all-natural peanut butter

Dinner: Salmon and Mediterranean couscous with green beans 

3 x 6-ounce packages of Morey’s Marinated Wild Alaskan Salmon (or 18 ounces of salmon with lemon, salt, pepper) 
1 cup dry whole-wheat couscous 
2 ounces feta cheese 
1 tbsp olive oil 
1/3 cup chopped cucumber 
1/3 cup chopped red bell pepper (or roasted red peppers) 
1/3 cup chopped red onion 
Salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning 

Bake salmon at 375 degrees for 30 minutes, until salmon is fully cooked through the center. With about 15 minutes to go, begin steaming asparagus. Then, mix feta, chopped cucumber, bell pepper, onion and seasonings (season to your liking) together. In a large sauce pan, bring 1 cup water and 1 tbsp olive oil to a boil. Remove from heat and pour 1 cup dry couscous into the sauce pan. Stir well and cover. Let stand for 5 minutes. Add veggie and cheese mixture and fluff. Measure 1 cup couscous mixture and serve with salmon and asparagus. 

Breakfast:  Turkey Sausage Muffin


1 whole-grain English muffin, split

1 oz. part-skim mozzarella cheese (sliced)
1 turkey sausage patty, cooked & warm

Preparation:  Preheat broiler or toaster oven to high.  Top one muffin half with cheese and place on baking sheet.  Broil for 2 to 3 minutes, or until cheese melts. Top muffin with a sausage patty.

Snack:  Banana 

Lunch: Chicken and Spinach Wrap


3 oz. raw chicken breast, boneless, skinless

1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
Nonstick cooking spray
3 Tbsp. low-fat plain yogurt
1 dash curry powder
1 dash garlic powder
1 dash paprika (optional)
1 dash cayenne pepper (optional)
1 (8-inch) whole wheat tortilla, warm
1 cup fresh spinach (or romaine lettuce)


1. Place chicken in a shallow glass dish. Drizzle lemon juice over chicken. Season with salt and pepper if desired. Allow chicken to marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Heat medium skillet, lightly coated with spray, over medium-high heat.
3. Add chicken; cook for 3 to 5 minutes on each side, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle. Remove from skillet. Slice and set aside.
4. Combine yogurt with curry, garlic powder, paprika (if desired), and cayenne pepper (if desired) in a small bowl; mix well.
5. Spread yogurt mixture evenly on tortilla, leaving about ½-inch around the edge. Top with spinach and chicken. Roll and enjoy!

Snack:  A handful of raw almonds

Dinner: Roast Chicken and Veggies


4 medium carrots, cut into 2-inch pieces

2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled, cut in half lengthwise, cut into 1-inch slices
2 medium celery stalks, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 medium red onion, sliced
4 (4-oz.) each raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
¼ cup 100% orange juice (or juice of 2 medium navel oranges)
½ cup water
2 medium navel oranges, peeled, chopped
2 fresh rosemary sprigs
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)


1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Place carrots, sweet potatoes, celery, onion, and chicken in large oven-proof roasting pan.
3. Top with orange juice, water, oranges, rosemary, salt (if desired), and pepper (if desired).
4. Bake, basting occasionally, for 35 to 50 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and juices run clear.
Tip: This dish can also be prepared in a slow cooker. Layer all ingredients in the slow cooker. Cook for about 4 hours on high, or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle and juices run clear.

Breakfast: Spinach & Tomato Omelet 


3 eggs (or 6 egg whites), slightly beaten

1/4 cup cooked spinach

6 pieces sun-dried tomatoes

Nonstick spray

Salt and pepper
Preparation: Soak sun-dried tomatoes in hot water for 10 minutes. Drain, pat dry, cut in half, and season with salt and pepper.
Spray a pan thoroughly with nonstick spray. Add spinach and tomatoes to pan and saute gently for one minute. Remove from pan and set aside. Add eggs to hot pan and cook for one minute. Sprinkle eggs with spinach and tomatoes, season with salt and pepper, and cook until the eggs are done to your liking. Fold omelet over and turn onto the plate for serving. Try this with warm tomato sauce or a dollop of pesto or goat cheese. 

Snack:  Dried Fruit Chips (no sugar added)

Lunch: Greek roasted chicken salad (4oz roasted chicken, tomato, cucumber, onion, low fat feta, lemon juice, 1 tbsp olive oil) wheat thins crackers and water. 

Snack:  Steamed Edemame with Sea Salt

Dinner: Pita Pizzas and large salad. 

100% Whole Wheat Mini Pitas 
Olive Oil 
Shredded Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese 
Natural Pizza Sauce or with salsa :
You can keep it simple or add veggies you love. 

Preparation: Arrange pitas on a cookie sheet and lightly brush with oil. Top with pizza sauce veggies and mozzarella. Bake until cheese is melted. Enjoy as an appetizer, snack or meal! 

Breakfast:  Egg White Breakfast Burrito


1 Tbsp. olive oil

1 Tbsp. finely chopped red bell pepper
1 Tbsp. finely chopped yellow bell pepper
1 Tbsp. finely chopped green bell pepper
1 Tbsp. finely chopped red onion
3 large egg whites (1/3 cup)
1 (8-inch) whole wheat flour tortilla, warm
1 slice low-sodium turkey bacon, cooked, chopped
Ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
2 Tbsp. fresh tomato salsa


1. Heat oil in medium non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.

2. Add bell peppers and onion; cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes or until soft.

3. Add eggs; cook, over medium heat, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes, or until eggs are set.

4. Top tortilla with egg mixture, turkey bacon, and pepper (if desired).
5. Roll tortilla burrito-style.
6. Serve with salsa.

Snack:  Fresh fruit in non-fat Greek yogurt w/ pure honey

Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad 

4 oz. cooked chicken breast
salad greens (arugula, red lettuce, fresh spinach, etc.)
1 Tbsp. low-fat mayonnaise (less than 35 calories / Tbsp.)
Chopped onion
Pickle relish, mustard (as desired)
2 slices crusty whole wheat bread, toasted if desired

Prep:  Cut chicken breast into chunks. Mix with mayonnaise and condiments. Top with greens and spread on bread.

Snack:  Cucumbers slices & humus

Dinner: Shrimp Scampi


3 oz. dry whole wheat pasta

2 Tbsp. olive oil, divided use
8 oz. medium shrimp, peeled, deveined
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 Tbsp. yellow bell pepper, finely chopped
1 Tbsp. red bell pepper, finely chopped
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
¼ cup low-sodium, organic vegetable broth
2 Tbsp. white wine
Ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
Crushed red pepper (to taste; optional)
3 fresh parsley sprigs, finely chopped
2 fresh basil leaves, finely chopped


1. Bring large pot of water to boil for pasta.

2. Cook pasta according to package directions; drain; set aside.
3. While pasta is cooking, heat 1 Tbsp. oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
4. Add shrimp and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 2 to 3 minutes, or until shrimp is opaque and firm. Remove shrimp from pan. Set aside.
5. Heat remaining 1 Tbsp. oil over medium-high heat. Add bell peppers; cook, stirring frequently, for 3 to 4 minutes or until soft.
6. Add lemon juice, broth, wine, black pepper, and red pepper; cook, stirring frequently, for 1 to 2 minutes.
7. Add shrimp, parsley, and basil; cook until heated through.
8. Divide pasta between 2 plates; top evenly with shrimp mixture.

Breakfast:  Blueberry Pancakes


2 large eggs, lightly beaten

3 Tbsp. coconut oil, melted
2 cups low-fat buttermilk
2 tsp. baking soda
½ cup wheat germ
½ tsp. fine sea salt
1½ cups whole wheat pastry flour
1¼ cups fresh blueberries (reserve ¼ cup for garnish)
Nonstick cooking spray


1. Combine eggs, oil, and buttermilk in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.

2. Combine baking soda, wheat germ, salt, and flour in a medium bowl; mix well.
3. Add flour mixture to egg mixture; mix until just blended.
4. Fold in 1 cup blueberries; mix until just blended.
5. Heat a large nonstick skillet lightly coated with spray over medium-high heat. Ladle ¼ cup batter for each pancake; cook for 2 to 3 minutes, or until bubbles cover the top. Flip; cook for an additional minute, or until golden brown. Repeat with remaining batter.
6. Garnish pancakes evenly with ¼ cup blueberries.

Snack:  String cheese & grapes

Lunch: Turkey Wrap
3-4 1-oz. turkey breast slices
1 Flour tortilla
2 Tbsp. Fat-free or low-fat cream cheese
1 Tomato slice

Preparation:  Put sliced turkey breast onto flour tortilla, add cream cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce. Fold and roll tortilla to make wrap. Serve with a side of fresh fruit. 

Snack: Carrots w/ Avocado Dip (see dip recipe below) 

1 can of green peas
1 avocado
I clove of garlic
1 tablespoon lime juice
hot sauce to taste

Preparation:  Place all the ingredients into a food processor and mix to the consistency you prefer.

Dinner:  Steak Salad


2 lbs. Yukon gold potatoes (or red bliss potatoes), cut into bite-size pieces

1½ tsp. olive oil, divided use
6 fresh rosemary sprigs, leaves removed and chopped, stem discarded
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
1 lb. raw beef flank steak
12 cups chopped romaine hearts
12 medium tomatoes, chopped
¾ cup Creamy Lemon Caesar Dressing
1 Tbsp. finely grated Parmesan cheese
Nonstick cooking spray


1. Preheat oven to 375 F.

2. Lightly coat a baking sheet with spray.
3. Combine potatoes, 1 tsp. oil, and rosemary in a medium bowl. Season with salt and pepper if desired; toss to combine. Spread evenly on prepared baking sheet. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until potatoes are golden. Cool.
4. While potatoes are baking, season steak on both sides with salt and pepper, if desired.
5. Heat remaining ½ tsp. oil in a medium nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add steak; cook for 8 minutes on each side, or until it reaches desired degree of done. Remove from heat.
6. Place the steak on a plate, cover it with aluminum foil and let it rest for about 5 minutes.
7. Place lettuce in a large salad bowl. Add tomatoes, potatoes, and Creamy Lemon Caesar Dressing; toss gently to blend.
8. Portion salad among 6 large serving plates.
9. Cut steak on a diagonal into thin slices. Top each with an equal amount of steak and sprinkle with cheese.

So this is just a rough outline and you can mix and match any snack ideas and dinners. If there was anything that I forgot to include please email or call me and I’ll get it to you!

The #1 thing is to START SMALL.  
Make 1 change per week otherwise you are going to overwhelm yourself. Decide what recipes you want to make and get your grocery list together ahead of time. It will take you a couple of weeks to get in the swing of things but you can do it. Please please use me as a resource and call anytime you have a question big or small!